This is a complete wiring harness from a 1963 Gibson dual pickup archtop guitar. The extension on the neck pickup appears to be original with untouched solder joints. I'm not sure why it was done.
All other parts (Centralab pots, Switchcraft switch, Sprague black beauty 0.022uf capacitors, and jack) appear original with undisturbed solder joints. The P90s also appear untouched with original lead wires and original untouched winding tape which glows as expected under black light.
The pots date to the 20th week of 1963. The pickups have very similar readings at 8.69k and 8.88k. Since they were so close in reading, I did not note which was which.
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SOLD - 1963 Gibson P90 Pickups with Complete Undisturbed Wiring Harness